Below are instructions to shorten the timeline that Meet Manager shows by decreasing the Interval (the time between heats). This is helpful if the timeline is too long or if all of the swimmers in an event are entered as NT (No Time).
  1. Go to Events > Sessions > Edit the Session
  2. Make the appropriate changes to the Interval - take the following items into consideration:
    1. Swimmer Age: For example, younger swimmers generally need more time to exit the pool after a race
    2. Timeline: The timeline reflects the actual age and ability of the swimmers and thus creates the most accurate scenario
  • ​Note: Be realistic - making a timeline look good on paper does not mean the meet will be run better if the timeline is unrealistic
  1. Create a Session Report to see the estimated timeline based on the meet entries
    1. Go to Reports > Sessions > Select All > Create Report
  2. If the timeline is too long for a given session, use the Apply Scratch Factor to Unseeded Events percentage to view how much the timeline changes
  • EXAMPLE: A 10% scratch factor
  • Note: This is only realistic when accepting scratches before seeding the events
  1. The calculation used by Meet Manager for NT entries is described below - this is based on stroke, age, and distance of the event
  • Note: Multiply the distance of the event by the listed factor to identify the number of seconds used to estimate the NT entry
  1. ​​​If 200 or less
    1. Freestyle stroke, multiply the distance by .82
    2. Breaststroke, multiply the distance by .90
    3. Backstroke, Butterfly, and Individual Medley, multiply the distance by .85
  2. If more than 200
    1. Freestyle stroke, multiply the distance by .95
    2. Breaststroke, multiply the distance by 1.0
    3. Backstroke, Butterfly, and Individual Medley, multiply the distance by by .90
  3. If the distance is meters, multiply the result above by 1.1
  4. If the athletes are younger swimmers
    1. If under nine, multiply the result by 1.3
    2. If under 11, multiply by 1.2
    3. If under 13, multiply by 1.1