Below are instructions to use our Online Meet Entry (OME) system after logging into Swim Manager.
  • Note: Swimmers must be registered for a Swim Manager program in order to invite them to a meet using OME
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  1. From Organization Dashboard (HOME), click Action icon  User-added image next to a Meet within Your meets section
User-added image
  1. Select Setup OME
  1. Select athletes to invite to this meet
    1. Click Invite athletes
    2. On the Add athletes screen that appears, filter by Gender or Meet Age
    3. Check the boxes to select athletes to include, click Add
      • Note: Click box at the top of the column (next to the column headers) to select all
    4. Click Invite athletes to send an email to selected athletes
      • Note: Families will receive an email with the team entry start date and a link to the swim portal 
    5. At any time before team entry deadline, return to Invite list to Add or Remove invited athletes
    6. At any time during entry period, return to Invite list to Resend invitations (from upper right side of screen)
User-added image
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  1. Once back on Organization Dashboard (HOME), click on specific Meet to view the overview screen (includes meet details, eligibility requirements, and meet schedule)
    1.  On the right side under Quick links, varying options are available depending on stage of entry process
      1. During team entry period, organizers will see Edit OME meet and Edit Invited athletes list
      2. After the meet is completed, organizers will see Update results or View final meet results
  2. After the entry period is complete, click Action icon User-added image, then click Entries by name
    1. Review entries for each swimmer, click Expand all to expand all swimmers and display their entries
    2. Once a swimmer's entries are reviewed, click Approve
    3. Before exporting the entries, filter list of the invited swimmers using option on the left side under Approval - To be approved
    4. Review any that you missed before and either Approve them or make changes to their entry and then Approve
  • Note: This is required as no entries will be exported until all are approved
  • Note: Entries made by a coach or administrator in Swim Manager do not need approval. Approval is only necessary for entries made by a parent or swimmer in their swim portal
  1. To make changes to events a swimmer is entered in, double-click on the swimmer's name, apply changes, then click Save
    1. If the swimmer is unattached, UNAT displays after his/her name
    2. If the swimmer was invited, INV displays after his/her name
    3. When you expand the details, OME will display the entries that swimmer or parent entered online
    4. Cust displays next to times that were entered as custom times
    5. Use the filters for Invited athletes, Not invited athletes, Attending, Not attending, and No response (as needed)
  1. After changes to entries are complete and all entered swimmers are approved, return to the meet list on Organization Dashboard (HOME)
    1. Click the Action icon User-added image
    2. Click Create meet entry file
  • Note: If athletes with online entries still need approval, a warning message appears with an option to Go to entry by name (to approve the swimmers)
  • Note: Entry file will only be created for entered swimmers who have approved entries
  • Note: Coach-entered entries are considered approved
  1. A meet entry file will be created that you can send to meet host
  1. At any time after you have exported meet entry file and after meet entry deadline you can bill swimmers by returning to the Organization Dashboard (HOME)
    1. Click Action icon User-added image
    2. Click Bill athletes
  2. Manage Unattached Swimmers 

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