When two events have very few entries, an option is to use the combine entries feature. Meet Manager can combine the entries into a single event and correctly score the new event. Below are two scenarios where this could be used:

Scenario 1
- Two entries in event 9 (11-12 Girls 100 Free)
- Three entries in event 11 (13-14 Girls 100 Free)
- The Combine Entries routine will change event 9's age group to 11-14, make it a Multi-Age Group event with 11-12 and 13-14 as the Multi-Age Groups, and copy the entries from event 11 into event 9

Scenario 2
- Two entries in event 9 (11-12 Girls 100 Free)
- Three entries in event 10 (11-12 Boys 100 Free)
- The Combine Entries routine will change event 9's gender choice to Mixed, make it a Multi-Age Group event with 11-12 as the only age group, and copy the entries from event 10 to event 9
  • Note: In both scenarios, events will be still scored separately.

Below are instructions to utilize this feature:
  1. From the Seeding Menu, click the Combine Icon
  2. Select a Method to copy the entries
    1. Copy Entries to Target Event and Delete Entries from Source Event
    2. Copy Entries to Target Event and leave Source Entries unchanged (without deleting from source event)
  3. There are two options when copying the entries
    1. If an entry in the source event has a Scratched Status, that status may be transferred
      • Note: The default is to not copy the scratched status
    2. If an entry in the Source event has a Special Status such a Bonus or needs proof of time, that status may be transferred
      • Note: The default is to not copy the Special Status
  4. If the events to combine are Relay Events, go to Relays after combining the entries
  5. Select the new relay event (that entries were copied into) and check that each relay entry has a gender entered (if a mixed gender event), as well as an age
    • Note: The age is needed to place the athlete into the correct age group for scoring
    • Example: If the age group is 11-12, enter either 11 or 12 for the relay age
  6. After using Combine Entries, the event needs to be seeded
    1. If the event was previously seeded, it must be re-seeded
      • Note: The entries recently combined into the event will not have a heat and lane assignment until the event is seeded