1. A backup: A copy of entire database that can be restored if something happens to original
2. Backup a database: Take currently open database file, zip it, and copy it to hard drive, USB-drive, or CD
3. Reasons to backup:
a. Safety precaution in case original database is damaged
b. Easy way to transfer database to another computer
4. Recommended frequency and location: Backup once per week and store backup file in different location than computer's hard drive (i.e. external storage device such as USB-drive or CD)

How To:
1. Go to File > Backup
2. Select Drive and Directory to add backup to
  • Note: Backup can be saved to hard drive or media device (CD-RW, USB)
  • Note: For Meet Manager, see Note below
4. Click OK
5. Entire database will be copied to selected drive or media device. Once completed, backup file name and location will appear
  • Example file name: (Meet Manager for Swimming 5.0)
  • Note: Recommendation: create desktop shortcut or document backup location so that backup is easy to find in future
Note for Meet Manager:
On Backup Options screen, select applicable options:
  1. Include a message: Check this box to include a message that displays when the backup is restored
  • Note: This is generally useful to clarify which backup is correct one to use (for person performing restore)
  1. Lock Database Backup as Read-Only for Results, Splits, and Relay Names: Check this box to provide web-accessible backup (can be downloaded) or disk/media storage
  • Note: This action guarantees that nobody can alter the result times, splits, or relay names
  • Note: Do not lock the database backup if the backup is being used as protection during a meet - when locking the backup, the backup file is read-only
Customers using Pro option that are running Meet Manager in Multi-User mode can perform backup as long as they are not Report-Only users. If using Multi-User mode, the following warning will appear:
  • Note: A backup file insures that in case of disaster, data won't be lost. Backing up a database is extremely important because it protects an organization from data loss due to accidental causes or malfunction of hardware. For example, if a hard disk goes bad (corrupted), the only way to recover a database is using a backup file saved to an external media storage device (such as a CD-RW disk or USB).
  • Note: Click here for steps on how to Restore a Backup File