Below are instructions to access and view the roster report of registered athletes after logging into Swim Manager.
  1. From the Organization Dashboard (Home tab), click on the Reports tab
  2. Within the Roster box, click All
  3. Select filters
    1. Program (All programs, or a particular program)
    2. Location
    3. Group
  • Note: The Location and Group drop-down will not appear unless a particular program is selected
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  1. Click Apply
  2. Click  icon and select the format you want to export roster report

The following fields are included on screen:
- Athlete
  • Note: Click on an Athlete's name to view the Athlete record screen
- Group
- Contact info
- Address
- Gender
- Age

The following fields are included in the export file:
- Registration date
- Program
- Group
- Timeslot
- Athlete name (first, middle, last)
- Athlete contact information (email address, home phone, cell phone)
- Athlete personal information (gender, birthdate, age, graduation year)
- Athlete address (address 1, address 2, city, state, postal code)
  • Note: For both online and exported versions, if the athlete does not have a cellphone number (value is null or empty), then his or her primary parent's cellphone number is displayed under Cell phone column
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