A description of each section and how it will change your webpage is listed below
Title: The Title is a required field. What you enter here appears at the top of the published page. It also becomes the link text for navigating to this page. The font style, size and color are pre-determined by design templates.
Active Checkbox: The Active checkbox defaults to checked when you first create a page and is required if you want the page to be displayed for site visitors. If you uncheck this option, the page will be inactivated so you will be able to see the page listed in the Child Pages tab of the Parent page in Edit mode. You can reactivate the page by editing the Parent of this page and changing its status on the Child Pages tab. Note that a site's Home Page does not have an Active checkbox.
Menu Title: If the Include in Section Menu box is selected in the Design tab, the text you enter here is displayed on the Section menu. When users click on this title it takes them to this page. If you leave this field blank, the menus in your system will use the Title text instead of the Menu Title text.
URL Title: If you wish, the contents of this field can be used for display on Site Maps instead of the Title field. Use only alphanumeric characters in the URL Title field. All other characters will be converted to underscores.
HTML Title: The HTML Title you enter here gets entered into the HTML <Title> tag, which is the field that search engines look at when scanning the web. You can use this field to enter a Title that will optimize your site's ranking in the list of search results. If you leave the field blank, the system uses the contents of the Title field.
Show Workflow Notes: If your site uses Workflow, click this link to see the history of edits and actions taken on this page.
Location: This shows the location of the current page within the current site's page hierarchy.
Move Page: Use this link to move a page from its current location to another location within your web site. See Moving a Web Page within a site.
Copy Page: Use this link to create a duplicate of the current page in another location within your site. Once you have copied the page to the new location, you can edit and publish the page. See Copying a Web Page
Page Type: Tells you what type of page you are creating/editing. See Selecting a Page Type
Page ID: This is the automatically generated number assigned by the ACM when the page is created. This number forms part of the page filename. For example, Page ID: 4 will have a filename of Page4.aspx.
Site ID: The Site ID indicates which site number the page belongs to.