2. If your page is published, but you do not know the Parent page. go to System>Site Design. This will take you to the Site Design Manager. There you will see a Site: box that will list your site and a Page List that will show your Website Page structure. Click the Expand All check box and all of the pages you have on your site will be listed. The page you are looking for should be in the list. This list will also show you the Parent Page of the page you are trying to locate. You can also use the Find: box if you know part of the page title. The Find search may take a few minutes before a list of pages with that name appear. Note: the Site Design Manager requires special permissions within ACM. Please speak to your System Administrator if you do not have access to this page.
Note: Content Providers and System Administrators have the ability to change a pages Title, Archive a page and Move a page to a different Parent which would change the URL to that page and make it more difficult to locate. If you cannot find a page on your site, verity that the page has not been renamed, moved or deleted from your site.