Searching in the Digital Asset Manager

Log into ACM and select System>Digital Asset Manager from the Admin Menu.  Below is the page that will be displayed.

     User-added image

Search Options:
  • checkmark_black.jpg: The checkmark indicates which of the search fields is currently active. If you enter Keywords and click Search, the checkmark will be displayed beside the keyword field so you know that is what you are searching on. If you search on asset ID, the checkmark will be displayed beside the ID Search field.

  • Keyword Search: Use this field to locate digital assets based on key words found in the asset record. The system searches the asset Name and the asset Description for occurrences of the keyword.

  • Show Thumbnails: Check this option if you want to display a small version of the digital asset in the search results. This allows you to see at a glance what each picture in the search results looks like without having to actually open the asset record.

  • Unused Assets Only: Check this option if you want to locate all assets that are not being used anywhere. The system will return all assets that are not currently attached to a page and you will see that the Pages column shows a 0 (zero) for each of the assets. You can then archive or delete all of the unused assets.

  • ID Search: Use this field to locate a digital asset based on its asset ID. The digital asset ID or DID, is automatically assigned by the system to each new asset you create. When assets are inserted on web pages, the page's HTML code shows the asset ID (DID) at the end of the IMG tag. The asset ID is also combined with the asset Name to form the asset's Static URL (as displayed on the Edit Digital Asset page).

  • Select Folder: Use this option if you want to display all assets within a certain folder. You cannot combine this field with the Keyword or ID searches. A search by folder is just that. It will return all items in the specified folder.