If you registered for an event and would like to Join or Create a team, follow the instructions below after logging into your ACTIVE.com passport account, then visiting My Events at https://myevents.active.com

Note: If you cannot see the registration from My Events, please Claim Registration in My Events first.

Note: The event must have the team creation/join option enabled for the event or category/price type that you signed up for. If you don't see the option, please contact the event organizer for further assistance.

User-added image

Create a Team After Registering

  1. Find your event registration, then tap Create Team
  2. Enter Team name
  3. (optional) Enter Team Description
  4. (optional) Choose whether to make your team private under Access and enter a team password
  5. Click Create

After your team is created, you will see a Team Center area under your registration, allowing you to Manage Team


Join a Team After Registering

  1. Find your event registration, then tap Join Team
  2. On pop-up, search for your desired team. 
  3. Tap on your team, then tap Join


  • Team names can be similar, so please ensure you select the correct team by checking the captain's name.
  • If desired team is not visible when performing a search, the team may be private or of a different type. You can contact Team Captain or contact us to check.
  • If a team password is required, it must be entered when prompted.
  • The team captain will receive an email notification when a participant joins his/her team.
  • If there are team form questions, you will be asked to answer them when joining or creating a team