Merging age groups affects how Team Builder is used. By default, Team Builder only shows players for the selected division and age group. This makes it difficult to work with combined age groups. After merging age groups, you will see all of the players from the merged age group displayed with the master age group. If you choose to display only the merged age group, you will still see the players from that age group instead. It is important to remember that merged age groups were configured before attempting to use Team Builder.

- John Doe is a U07B and Bob Smith is a U08B in the Recreational Division
- The U07B age group has been merged into the U08B age group for the Recreational Division
- When we look at the Team Builder Manual Assign screen for the U08B age group within the Recreational Division we will see both John Doe and Bob Smith
- If we choose the U07B age group and the Recreational Division we will only see John Doe