Document manager is used to manage the documents available to families during the registration process - these documents must subsequently be turned into the organization before the player is allowed to [1] complete registration, or [2] participate. Examples of required documents are birth certificates, player contracts, and volunteer contracts for parents. Documents may also have a delivery method established to aid the registrar with collection. Below are instructions to manage required documents for the organization after logging into LeagueOne.

1. Navigate to Programs > Manage Registrations > Online Registration Setup
2. View Organization Tab tab within Online Registration Setup
3. Click Documents > Document Manager
4. Check boxes next to applicable Document Delivery methods
a. By Email
b. By Mail
c. By Fax
d. By Upload
5. Click New to create a new document
6. Highlight an existing document, click Edit to make adjustments
7. Highlight an existing document, click Delete to remove
  • Note: Documents cannot be removed once used in programs/registrations
8. Click Save and Continue to proceed to FAQ Manager
  • Note: Upload will be unchecked by default and must be checked to enable document upload

Click here to learn about associating documents to programs