General Ledger (GL) codes can be used to sort transaction data by grouping related accounts. This can be helpful for organizational accounting when tracking revenues. Below are guides on how to create, edit, and delete GL codes in Swim Manager. A. To create GL code:
1. From anywhere in database, click Account in upper right corner 2. Under Account settings, click GL code 3. Click Add GL code button
4. Enter name and code
5. Click icon to save or click to abandon
B. To edit existing GL code:
1. Double-click the required Name or Code
2. Enter changes
- Note: If a GL code has been assigned to any products or is associated with any transactions, then the Code field cannot be edited
- Note: Editing the Name of a GL code will update the information in all products and legacy transaction records associated with this GL code
C. To delete a GL code:
1. Click icon to delete
- Note: If a GL code has been assigned to any products, then deleting the GL code unassigns it from all products using this code
- Note: GL code cannot be deleted if it has been associated with any transactions. Messages like below will pop up