Below are instructions to add family members on account:
1. Navigate to
2. Click Login in the upper right-hand corner

3. Enter your ACTIVE Passport username (Email address) and Password
4. Click Sign in
5. Hover over your name in the upper right-hand corner

5. Click View Profile
6. Click My Family on left side
7.Click ADD FAMILY MEMBER on right side to complete family member(s)’ information
8. Click SAVE FAMILY MEMBER on the bottom
Note: You could Cancel this action by clicking Cancel on the bottom
1. Navigate to
2. Click Login in the upper right-hand corner
3. Enter your ACTIVE Passport username (Email address) and Password
4. Click Sign in
5. Hover over your name in the upper right-hand corner
5. Click View Profile
6. Click My Family on left side
7.Click ADD FAMILY MEMBER on right side to complete family member(s)’ information
8. Click SAVE FAMILY MEMBER on the bottom
Note: You could Cancel this action by clicking Cancel on the bottom